Monday, April 4, 2011


Getting ready to have a few friends over to watch the championship game.

By the way, I love Matt Howard.  It is not pretty when he plays, but he just knows how to get things done!


Saturday, April 2, 2011

Final Four, Baby!

That's all I have for today.  Tip-off in 34 mins.  

Go Butler!


Friday, April 1, 2011


Scout's Spring Break was this week and instead of heading out of town, we stayed here for a "staycation".  It has been very relaxing and exactly what our family needed.  Looking forward to the next couple of days and what they brings.  Of course, there will be basketball involved:)
Here are a few pics from the week:

Pirate Exhibit at Denver Museum of Nature and Science 


Random Pic Alina took


Any suggestions on other places we should go?


Thursday, March 31, 2011


I am still not sure what I am doing with this blog, but at least it doesn't look quite at boring now, because we all know I am not a boring girl!

Hope to post some pics of my cute kids in my next post.  Wish me luck!

How are you spicing things up today?


Wednesday, March 30, 2011

My Story (Part3)

Within a few months of Scout being born, we decided that I was going to quit work and stay home.  This is something I never thought I would do, but so glad we made that decision (more about that in another post).  

I wish I could share some wonderful, tender moments but I really don't remember much from Scout's first year of life because I was so sleep deprived.  He was one hunger boy! I am convinced that no one really knows what tired is until you have kids.  That is a tired that is hard to explain.

Anyway, shortly after Scout's first birthday, I was introduced to Mary Kay cosmetics.  After several weeks of thinking about it, I decided to become a consultant.  Now, this definitely was strange for me since I did not wear makeup, used water to wash my face, and never really sold anything.  But, the business made sense so I thought I would give it a try.  What I didn't know at the time was that this was a big way God was going to continue pursuing me.

What decisions have you made in your life that no one ever expected from you?


Friday, March 25, 2011

Inbox: God

We are at a crossroads at our house and not sure where we are headed next.  Doesn't mean we are moving (though we might) but definitely feel God is calling us to something new, different.

But, I have no idea what that "something" is.  Not being the most patient of people, I am struggling a bit. Most days I am fine, trusting in God's plan for us.  But sometimes, I am not and I just want to know.  Couldn't He send an email or something?

There have been times when I really felt like I was being called, and I know Matt has too.  But neither of us is clear about what that calling is right now. I think there are scriptures about being still, waiting, trusting, having faith.  And I know praying and reading them would help.  Just struggling to get there today.

How do you tune into what God wants for you?  When do you "hear" Him?  Come on, I need some help:)


Thursday, March 24, 2011

And the fun continues...

Great games on tonight.  Getting ready to meet up with a friend and watch.
BYU, San Diego State, Butler... Can't decide who I want to win more?  Also, this is a tough one because I am a long time Duke fan, but routing for Arizona tonight.

Who are you routing for tonight?  Which game are you most excited about?
